
Ground covers

Lesser periwinkle blue / purple (Vinca minor)

Vinca minor kleines Immergrün
Wurzeln einer Immergrün-Pflanzenmatte
Vinca minor am Hang
Blüte Vinca minor kleines immergrün

Vinca minor blue / purple

English name: Lesser Periwinkle or Dwarf Periwinkle


The Lesser Periwinkle is an excellent perennial ground cover, which thrives in a normal garden soil. The Vinca minor can grow up to 15 cm high.


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Features Lesser Periwinkle blue / purple

  • Family: Apocynaceae
  • Blooming color: blue / purple
  • Blooming period: ± March, April, May
  • Leaf color: green
  • Height: 5 – 15 cm
  • Extremely perennial
  • Evergreen
  • Stand: sunny, half shadow, shadow
  • Special features: excellent ground cover



Application Lesser Periwinkle blue / purple

The Lesser Periwinkle (also known as Vinca Minor) is extremely perennial and therefor really suitable as a ground cover, also because of its fast growth. This plant originates from the Mediterranean area. Apparently it has established the hardness needed in its development, so it can thrive everywhere. Because this ground cover doesn’t need much from the soil and because of its quick growth, the Lesser Periwinkle is a plant which needs little maintenance and has a lot to offer. Its blooming period is long: from March to July.

The Lesser Periwinkle is a common plant in Belgium, but in Holland it’s part of the wild and protected flora. This plant also suits a smaller garden and beats the Ivy as green decoration, also because of its long blooming period.


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Maintenance Vinca minor


If you want your Vinca minor to thrive and cover the ground for years, the plant mats will need sufficient nutrition. When planted on the right and nutritious soil, it will survive well there. If you see your ground cover lacking nutrition or decline growth, you can boost this by adding organic fertilizer. There are several organic fertilizers available, brands like Ecostyle and DCM offer suitable products. Most organic fertilizers work up until a 100 days.


When do you prune?

Most ground covers are creeping. Therefor it can be necessary to prune the plants at the edges, to prevent them from growing outside their borders.

Although the edges can be pruned all year round without damaging the plant, we discourage to prune during frost, and therefor during winter. A cloudy day is best for pruning.


When do you plant Vinca minor?

The Lesser Periwinkle / Vinca minor plant mat by Covergreen® can be installed all year round. It is best to avoid moments that will be followed by a longer period of frost or draught. These circumstances will lead to dehydration of the new planting. Plant mats need the chance to take root before facing a dry period, so they can draw enough moisture from the soil.

Imagine a carpet of Lesser Periwinkle, combined with some high bushes and perennial plants. These will flourish in such an environment. At Covergreen we offer 3 sorts of Lesser Periwinkle in our assortment: this blue Vinca minor, the Vinca minor ‘Alba’ and Vinca minor ‘Atropurpurea’.


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Conversion factor

N pieces per m2







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